March 15 is the international day against police violence
Posted: February 27th, 2020 | Author: bigsibling | Filed under: General | Comments Off on March 15 is the international day against police violenceOn March 15, 1997 two kids between the age of 11 and 12 were heavily mistreated by the Swiss police. Following this incident, the anarchist group „Black Flag“ and the Initiative C.O.B.P. (Collectif Opposé à la Brutalité Policière) from Montréal initiated the international day against police violence. Since then, activists from around the world march to the streets to hold rallies against police violence and commemorate those who were killed by police.
Police Violence in Austria
Currently, this day does not receive much attention in Austria, although particularly in Vienna, violent and brutal behaviour of the police is regularly seen. Most recently, the police mistreatment against climate activists in summer 2019 attracted broad attention. In the same year a men died in „Schubhaft“ (deportation-pending detention) in the police detention centre Roßauer Länder. 20 years before that, Marcus Omofuma died during the deportation flight because of police measures. Police violence and brutality is a continuum. This is not only shown by repeated murders but also by the fact that is has no deep consequences for the responsible policemen and -women or the police as an institution. Furthermore, in Austria a lack of consciousness relating to violent structures of the institution police can be seen.
Even if there are cases occurring when there is broad attention and short-term outcries by the public, the voices of those persons who make violent experiences with the police on a daily basis are not being heard. For the white majority of the population police represents „safety and security”. Public discourses surrounding the topics security and migration legitimate racist police activities against people who do not fit into the framework of the Austrian state. The mere existence of Black people. People of Colour, Romani, migrants, sex workers, LGBTIQ persons, homeless persons, drug users, people with psychological problems, undocumented people and many more are being constructed as a threat.
Why is it important to come together on March 15?
Together we want to commemorate those, who were killed by police actions and make sure that their names will not be forgotten. We want to join together in empowerment, action and not live our struggles in dispense of others. We want to be loud and in solidarity!
Therefore we invite you all on March 15 to join us to discuss, network, to plan and (un-)learn. Bring your friends, kids and loved ones and stop by!
Further information about the programme will be released shortly. You can find them here: